Islam and Natural Resources Management

Islam is religion of harmony, Islam is not religion of violence or basis of harm. a muslim shall learn from local practices and praxis to fulfil a khalifah obligation and make Islam as a way to achieve sustainable world as before, because some local practice in Indonesia has been exist before Islam was coming to certain area.


This blog is born based on my personal experience since years working on Islam and Natural Resources Management. The curiosity on Islam as religion has guided me to a point where Islam as Religion is very practical beside many discourse can be elaborate form a Muslim experience to see Varian of interpretation in Natural Resources area. I was growing up in very conservative Muslim family that sees dominant influence of Islam in society. This situation basically limited my perspective and capacity to see progressive aspect of Islam after I join with Islamic boarding school in 1996. The Boarding school that developed by one of Gontor Alumni that placed in south Jakarta. The halal and haram terminology that was very popular as common muslim influence every layers of my understanding. Since graduation of Islamic boarding school, I realized the understanding that constructed in my perspective and paradigm shall elaborate in deeper area of understanding that lead me to very influence Muslim community in South tanggerang or named as Ciputat today. The more I try to dig deeper the more I have to understand, there is no single interpretation of Islam and there is fact is already exist where Islam is develop and also growth that is not only in religion point of view but also as culture of community that claimed as way of life. I know Islam is very tolerance religion and Islam have the value that also have by others religion. But unfortunately, the values does not work appropriately today, that showed by corruption, manipulation, and very arrogant people that appears in Indonesia Society. This blog is not only place for my expression of thought but also place of my searching for the genuine Islam. You also can find me on my Google+           

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