Islam and Natural Resources Management

Islam is religion of harmony, Islam is not religion of violence or basis of harm. a muslim shall learn from local practices and praxis to fulfil a khalifah obligation and make Islam as a way to achieve sustainable world as before, because some local practice in Indonesia has been exist before Islam was coming to certain area.

Islam with Politic or Politic with Islam  

Islam with Politic or Politic with Islam
What was happen in Egypt today is a form of political dilemma for any Muslim organization around the world. The dilemma that is able to be resolved by bring Islam out from political arena. Avoiding to politicize the value of Islam and extracting the Islamic political ideology to the flexible characteristic of life vision and mission are urgent to convince Muslim and Non-Muslim that is Islam is peace religion. The Islamic value is full of compassion has prove that the cultural diversity can bring a feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood. In some countries, the value of brotherhood or sisterhood in Islam that are not involving in political arena showed the power of community that is very effective to endorse and support the decrease the gap of development. Writer want to take an example from Indonesia, A movement of Zakat organization that is dedicating for help the poor and empower the survivor of disaster has prove this argumentation. Indonesia today is an great example of other Muslim and Non-Muslim majority countries the solidarity and value can be institutionalized as power changing for fulfilling the gap of liberal government and contribute to the balance of harmony and peace. What I want to highlight is the value of justice, transparency, equality, and Independence can be a interest of all of the people but when the value are not more a priority of Islamic movement or solidarity, as we know from history, it would be left behind and ignored from the society. In some society, this phenomena appeared even if in Muslim majority of countries. Creating exclusivity in term of religion is common almost is every religion that is come to this world. But exclusivity of value can not be owned by certain group or society. The values in religion including in Islam is the value that is addressed for humanity and better world. But human misinterpretation that occupied by greedy toward the material and desire of control to others has blinded our sanity to our mandate as religious creature. Writer want to see a solution to this complexity of Muslim society, It may be easy if as Muslim that we leave our ego of power over and material mainstream for growing our humanity. When we have our humanity and aware on our mandate as human, we can study Islam as the reference of how Allah give his love and affection to every single creature in this earth and universe. Politic is important in our society, when politic are not more prioritize the universal value of humanity, it will become egocentric of individual or group to gain power and control. (rn)
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